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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/10/22 Lest we Drift Away Brownie Reaves N/A Sun AM Lest_We_Drift_Away-BR-2022-04-10.mp3
04/03/22 The Heart God wants to reach - RS Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM The_Heart_God_wants_to_reach-_RS-2022-04-03.mp3 Heartfelt_Religion_4-2022.pptx
03/27/22 Commitment Brownie Reaves N/A Sun AM Commitment_-_BR_2022-03-27.mp3
03/20/22 God's Portrait of Himself from Rev. 1-3 Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Pictures_of_Christ_from_Rev_1-3.pptx Gods_Portrait_from_NT-Rev1-3_--2022-03-20-RS.mp3
03/13/22 Why is God Lovely in His Own Words Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Why_is_God_Lovely_in_His_own_words-RS-2022-3-13.mp3 Our_Lovely_God.pptx
03/06/22 Is Serving Christ Risky? Jason Kean N/A Sun AM Is_Serving_Christ_Risky_-JK-_2022-03-06.mp3
02/20/22 Financial Idols Brownie Reaves N/A Sun AM Financial_Idols_BR-2022-02-20.mp3
02/13/22 Perceptions of God Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Perceptions_of_God_-_RS_2022-02-13.mp3
02/07/22 Metamorphosis Jason Kean N/A Sun AM Metamorphosis_-Jason_Kean_2022-02-06.mp3
01/30/22 Holy Spirits Work in us today Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM HS_work_today_Heart_-_Gramma.pptx HolySpirit_in_our_lives_today_2022-01-30.mp3
01/23/22 What is the church - BR Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM What_is_the_church_-_BR-2022-01-23.mp3
01/09/22 Fishing For Men Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM PW-Fishers_For_Men-2022.pptx Fishing_for_Men_RS-_2022-01-09.mp3
12/12/21 2Timothy 4:6-8 Death A Victory Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM 2Timothy4_6-8-RS-_2021-12-12.mp3 2Timothy4_6-8.pptx
12/05/21 Do Not Worry Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM Do_Not_Worry_-_BR-2021-12-05.mp3
11/28/21 Admit Submit Commit Transmit Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Admit_Submit_Commit_Transmit_-_RS_-2021-11-28.mp3
11/21/21 Patient Anticipation and Excitment John Johnson N/A Sun AM Patient_Excitment_2021-11-21-JJ.mp3
11/14/21 Naaman's Cure Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Naamans_Cure_-_RS-2021-11-14.mp3 Naamans_Cure.pptx
10/24/21 He Came Down that We might go up Adam Shanks N/A Sun AM He_Came_Down_that_we_can_go_up_2021-10-24_A-Shanks.mp3
10/10/21 Revering God - RS Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Revering_God_2021-10-10_rs.mp3
09/19/21 God's Promises Are Sure! - RS Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Gods_Promises_Sure-_RS-2021-09-19.mp3
09/12/21 Hard Truth not popular Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Truth_is_Hard-_Gospel_motivation_2021-09-12_RS.mp3
09/05/21 Afraid or emboldened Jason Kean N/A Sun AM Afraid_or_emboldened_-2021-09-05-JK.mp3
08/22/21 Why does the church exist? Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM Why_does_the_church_exist_2021-08-22-BR.mp3
08/15/21 Journey of Life -BR Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM Journey_of_Life-_BR-2021-08-15.mp3
08/08/21 Whom does God accept? - RS Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Whom_does_God_accept_2021-08-08_-_RS.mp3

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